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Arrival and departure areas are both the first and last moments that clients, IBM employees and guests engage with an IBM site. The experience from the security gate to the Welcome zone should be considered part of our workplace journey.


Signature moments

Arrival zones vary in size and scale. Some of our Arrival locations may only include an elevator lobby in a multitenant building. Others involve complex campus environments with multiple buildings and business functions. Regardless of size, Arrival zones serve as a transition space between public environments and IBM spaces. Clear signage and wayfinding are critical to guide visitors along a path. Thoughtful application of pattern, lighting and finishes can also reinforce a sense of place.

Finish palette
For Arrival zones that include shared elevator lobbies that may belong to a building landlord, work with IBM Global Real Estate to identify which components of the shared space IBM can design or influence. Our Arrival spaces should feel warm and inviting. Contrast natural finishes, such as wood, stone or concrete, with engineered materials, such as glass and metal. Emphasize transparency with clear sight lines to the Welcome zone.
arrival zone finish palette

Brand expression

IBM signage should be placed in a clear and prominent location to aid in wayfinding for visitors. Exterior signage should be placed at key navigational moments for vehicles or pedestrian paths. Proportional relationships of our exterior signage are defined by the 2x Grid. Select materials that complement the surrounding landscape while maintaining clear legibility. The IBM Plex® typeface should be used for all interior and exterior directional signage. Interior identity signage should be die-cut and flush mounted to the wall. Finish and material choice should be selected based on the surrounding space or existing conditions. Avoid placing the IBM logo on a plaque or backer plate whenever possible. Learn more about our signage guidance.

IBM logo brand expression
arrival zone IBM brand expression
IBM arrival zone brand expression
Wall mounted IBM logo brand expression
hallway wall brand expression
IBM Quantum platform render in elevator lobby
brass and solid surface brand expression detail

Outdoor space
Outdoor spaces can provide a natural buffer between parking and Welcome zones. Ideally, outdoor spaces should be active and connected with adjacent dining or food services. Outdoor landscaping and design should reflect the surrounding environment, using indigenous plants and materials. Frequent access to fresh air and natural light create higher-performing work environments.
outdoor space
outdoor space with biophilic elements
exterior night view

Flooring and ceiling

As a major point of circulation, Arrival zones should use a durable flooring material, such as polished concrete, terrazzo or stone.

A linear ceiling system may be used to complement various applications of pattern. This ceiling should serve to ground our signature elements and direct guests towards the Arrival zone. Light fixtures should be integrated within the ceiling system. Linear fixtures and downlights should be lensed, soft and diffused.

linear light grid expression in arrival zone
flooring and ceiling palette for arrival zone
flooring and ceiling in elevator lobby arrival zone
flooring and ceiling in arrival zone